THE CONTROL: An Arranged Marriage Romance Page 10
Now I understood how hot being covered in the sticky substance could be as I followed the trails down her perky breasts pushed up in that lacey bra.
That went in my how to crack Bowey folder in my mind.
Grimm’s eyes went dark, the same way Bowen’s did when he was angry. “Abigail.”
Her name was a warning, but all I heard was a cheer to keep going. These boys had enough fun in my absence, and now I was going to remind them exactly who I used to be in their lives—the one you don’t fuck with.
Abigail sank down to the floor in response to his warning like she was on autopilot. On her knees, she continued to sway to the music, her straight ponytail moving along with her. Grimm’s eyes didn’t leave her, not one shift, only stuck to her.
Was this foreplay for them? Disobedience and submission?
I did already see more of this girl than I bargained for, but seeing the tension tethering them together with nothing but their wits was only making the situation between my legs much worse.
Pushing the bottle to my lips, I took a mouthful of the now smooth liquor—after you’ve had enough—before I twisted my hand around her ponytail, feeding right into their arousal since Bowen wouldn’t give into mine.
Yanking her ponytail back, I leaned down over her mouth, snowballing the Henny into her open lips, giving Grimm exactly what he wanted—a woman desecrated.
Grace was full on cheering for us to keep going while Khaos was doing his best impression of Magic Mike. It was okay, I was semi-impressed by the one horseman I couldn’t really stand.
“Evey, that’s enough,” he said my nickname with ease like it was what he had been calling me all along. In reality, he wasn’t addressing me at all most of the time so anytime he said my nickname, I melted for him.
Backing up, I offered my hand to help Abigail up before I lazily swung around the pole some more, sing-songing my words. “That’s what happens when you try to cage butterflies, Reaper… eventually they die of boredom or starve.”
I watched her not care if she was surrounded by monsters as she ran into Grimm’s arms and he welcomed her, with her legs lifting and wrapping around his waist. She wasn’t in need of saving the way I thought—she was perfectly balanced, good and bad, while I struggled to pick a personality when slapped with two.
With no warning, I swung around the silver pole right into Bowen who had his arms crossed over his chest. Stumbling to catch my own balance, I stood up with a scowl on my face at his dramatics to stop me from being exactly what he wanted—free of the princess scars.
“That’s enough. You’ve proven your point.” Before I could truly protest, he was throwing me over his shoulder. I could feel his muscles tensing and showing off how toned he was when held onto the backs of my legs.
Holding myself up, I didn’t even bother saying his name in an icy tone the way he did mine. I was going to enjoy the fact that he was touching me at all when I whispered to the guys, “Pssst.” Then, I kissed both of my middle fingers, before holding them up as my goodbye.
I didn’t solely blame them for Bowen’s downfall, but it certainly seemed like they did nothing to prevent it when he morphed into his twin brother.
They were supposed to be there for him in my absence, and it felt like he only had his shadows.
Setting me down carefully next to his car, I realized we were in the back of the building hidden from the nightlife, the lights of LA and its inhabitants. Pouring more accelerant on my fire, I gulped down more of the room temperature Henny like it was some great act of rebellion when in reality I just wanted to put more alcohol between myself and the Pretty Princess parts of me Bowen hated.
If I could just have a lobotomy to forget anyone broke me, I wouldn’t need bad habits.
“That’s not coming in my car without a damn cap. Finish it or get rid of it.” His hands were planted on the car door around me, and I kept drinking. When I wouldn’t stop, he tried to grab the bottle from my grasp and let it crash a few feet away.
The liquid stain on the pavement bullied by shards of glass represented my heart and soul. My heart burst and my soul was shattered, equal parts messy and hard to put back together.
Bowen had his work cut out for him.
His hand grazed my hip, moving me out of the way of the door when he held me against him so I wouldn’t fall. Pushed up against him, I let my hands smooth down his arms to feel how toned he was for the second time tonight and felt my mouth fall open while he yanked on the door handle. I could feel his chest heaving up and down before he said in a low voice, “Don’t do this, Evey, I can’t fucking walk around LA suffering from the very painful set of blue balls you’re insistent on giving me. Why can’t you just behave until the wedding?”
His voice sounded hopeful at the end.
Was the wedding all he was waiting for?
Was sex before marriage a deal breaker for him that I never considered?
Letting my chin rest on his shoulder, I closed my eyes, taking him in. “I can’t behave around you. I’ve waited too long to be yours. Try having lady blue balls since we were thirteen and you finally realize how your body works.”
Pulling away from me, he stood next to the open door, holding it open, waiting for me to realize I was still hugging the air. Embarrassed, I slipped into the car while getting hit with the drunkenness of the Henny all at once, making me feel like I was on a carnival ride.
Leaning down, I unstrapped my blue platform heels and lifted my legs one at a time until they slipped off. Tossing them below me, I leaned back into the seat grumbling that I was hungry when the car accelerated.
Folding my leg with my foot pressed into the leather, the long shirt exposed the butterfly he had stamped on me. It was perfect, and now every time I look down, I see more than our history. Now I see and feel his tongue tracing the tattoo.
The fishnets were becoming a torture chamber for my pussy, with the rhinestones pressing against my ache with no guilt. I wanted to rip them off or touch myself right here, next to Bowey. I hadn't decided on which yet.
The breeze creeping through the window dusted over my fishnet covered legs. “What happened to you? You used to be so sweet, kind, forgiving…” I didn’t even mean to ask; my head was filled with toxins—he knew better than I did.
“Shit happens. You want the highlights? You left, dead twin, Clave, none of us being who we used to be, an arranged marriage, and not wanting anything to do with sex until you come back and magically have some voodoo ability to curse me. That’s summarizing some of the culprits. Good enough?”
Swallowing the lump in my throat, I knew bad things must have happened to all of them in order to make them all almost unrecognizable. They had all become what they had to in order to survive, but these women were able to resurrect the parts of them that used to be just happy boys causing trouble. Yet, I’m here and getting a glimpse of my Bowey is impossible.
“I didn’t mean it like that…”
“Then tell me how you meant it.” Pulling into the In-N-Out entrance made my body sway against the door.
“We used to be friends and now you’re Braeden.” Shaking my head, trying to shake the drunk feeling, I searched for my lip gloss in my clutch. The corner of my eyes stung with tears I was forcing back.
Drunkenness was controlling me now, and I could tell it was going to be a rollercoaster.
My hands were like butter when the tube slipped from my fingers and I dove after it, right into his lap. I had amazing timing as I heard the voice box outside his still closed window and perked up when they asked what they could get him.
Using my hand to search the floor, Bowen ignored my presence while hitting the button to open the window. “Can I get a number four?” It didn’t sound like a question from his lips even though it was supposed to be.
My stomach clenched, and I whisper shouted, “And a chocolate milkshake,” while still fumbling my hand against his legs in search of my gloss.
No Fenti left behind.
sp; Bowen didn’t repeat it to the speaker box, forcing me to slap his leg when he retorted, “She fucking heard you.”
My head was spinning, but my body felt weighed down. Everything was glossed over in a haze of booze. I knew my face was pressed against his crotch and my knees were digging into the leather in ways no man would appreciate when yours are this bony.
Distracted by his bulge growing, I turned my focus to his crotch. Just for a second, sticking out my tongue, I dragged it along his zipper promoting a reaction from his hands that wrestled between us like an ironclad cockblock.
Pulling forward, the girl was cheerful when she opened the window until she saw me with my head in his lap.
“That’ll be $4.78… Did you want whipped cream on the-” she cut herself off and I felt compelled to explain when my fingers finally rescued my gloss from certain death.
“I dropped Fenti.” Smiling back at me, I felt justified even if my tongue had made an appearance.
Bowen handed her a smooth black card and took the bag from her, placing it in his lap.
Cockblock to the extreme.
Being this drunk was like trying to focus on one thing when your mind keeps drifting to everything else seconds later. Focus was out the window, and I didn’t see it returning anytime soon.
Ripping the top off the milkshake cup, I used the straw to take the whip cream hostage when I wrapped my lips tightly around the straw while looking at Bowen. It evaporated in my mouth when I scooped another heap and looked to him next to me. “Want some?”
Trailing the straw in his direction, I teased him with it until his mouth opened and the straw disappeared between his lips. There was something erotic about watching him give in that made me shudder.
“I don’t have an issue with sucking, Eve. You were gone a long time.”
Sitting back against the leather, he waited for his card before tossing it in the cup holder. Pulling up, he parked and turned to face me when I melted in his gaze. His hand cupped my jaw and fingers buried into my cheeks when he simply said, “Open.”
I felt my legs press together tighter and my stomach was full of a warm feeling that was only triggered by him.
Slowly opening my mouth, I don’t know what I was expecting when he shoved a handful of fries in and clamped his hand over my lips, forcing me to eat them. “Swallow, Eve.”
He was killing me with his innuendos, slowly and painfully.
How could someone so disinterested in sex be so sexual?
Once I ate my grilled cheese, something that had been cut from my diet in Denmark, I felt even more weighed down in the passenger seat. I was ready for bed when Bowen took the empty paper bag from my lap and got out just to throw it away.
I had to get used to only having glimpses of my Bowey like right now. The old Bowey would care enough to throw away his trash. The new one leaves his empties for me to clean up.
Once the car started moving again, I lifted my ass from the seat and pulled down my fishnets that were now imprinted into my skin. Rolling them down under my long shirt that fell mid-thigh, I caught Bowen looking out of the corner of his eye.
I must have fallen asleep for a second when the car came to a stop in the driveway, and I still felt drowsy. Rounding the car, Bowen held the door open for a second before he started collecting my things: clutch, Fenti, my platform heels, and my discarded fishnets and sweater.
I didn’t move an inch, I watched Bowen take over the way I wanted him to this whole time.
He always saw himself as weak when we were younger. He always had the kind of strength though that I admired, it wasn’t easily seen or heard, it only appeared when you truly needed it to.
I wondered how he saw himself now.
Bowen’s arms laced under me and hoisted me up against his body while he carried me like a true princess to the front door.
The devil himself was showing a softer side, and I let my arms wrap around his neck.
I thought I only thought it when I scared myself with my own voice, “Why can’t you always be this guy?”
Thankfully Bowen didn’t answer when he kicked the door open and continued to carry me. I expected him to drop me in my bed and leave me to my own devices when I tried to discern which door was which from over his shoulder.
Dropping me right onto his black blankets, I felt my ability to breath stolen from me.
Shaking off his long jacket that swept his combat boots, I watched him intensely. “You can hate them, but you can’t create problems for me. We’re bound, horsemen for life and there’s no way out.”
How could I respond when all I was thinking was how I’d be bonded to him soon in the same way?
I watched him unbutton his shirt, each one revealing a new patch of skin for me to blush over, until the shirt was discarded altogether.
Swallowing against my dry throat, I waited for his jeans to get pushed down but he stopped undressing there and turned to face me. “I was only magnifying things, nothing that wasn’t true already.”
Sitting up, I undid my harness like a bra and let it fall to the bed before crossing my arms, holding the hemline of my shirt to pull it over my head. I wasn’t wearing panties or a bra, so I dropped the shirt in my lap letting Bowen look at me the way I knew he wanted to.
He just wouldn’t admit it.
All his angry features smoothed out and his mouth fell open before he forced words out. “They don’t like truth rubbed in their faces, Evey.”
Bowen didn’t pull his eyes off instantly, and I finally felt hopeful for the aching to go away when he sat on the end of the bed with his back towards me.
I sat there with my legs twisted up like a pretzel, studying his back. He grew into the dark freckles that outlined the Little Dipper. Now it did look little compared to his broad shoulders and toned muscles.
Crawling my way to him on my knees, I let my mouth leave long kisses along his shoulders. His hand reached around his back and he grabbed my thigh like it was a warning to stay still.
Quietly and carefully, I continued to lay down kisses on his skin when I felt him tense. “It’s okay, Bowey.” I didn’t know what was okay exactly; I just knew I needed to go slower than last time.
Lightly kissing down to his biceps, I noticed his hand was tucked away below his underwear band and his face was twisted in pain.
My chest got tight, the wetness between my legs was unbearable, and I felt like I was violating him in a way by watching, but it somehow felt right.
Pressing my chest against his back, I laid more kisses up to the sensitive spots on his neck, making sure my eyes stayed glued to his hand working down himself, still hidden behind the fabric of Versace. I had a bird’s eye view, and he wasn’t pushing me away.
Sneaking my hand down into his lap, I let it lightly rest on top of his fist, leaning more into him and making sure not to block any of my own view. I wanted to moan right alongside him, but I didn’t want to miss any noises that could escape from his open lips.
As much as he was coming undone I could feel myself unwinding too, only I wasn’t even touching myself. Rounding him, I kneeled by his side giving my arm more slack when my spare hand made its way to the inside of my thigh, teasing myself and making my heart pick up the pace beneath my ribs.
The tips of my fingers circled the bundle of nerves that screamed for him to touch, but my own hand would have to do. I felt my body cave into itself at the relief when his fist only got more hasty inside his undone pants.
His black boxer briefs were teasing me more than his stiff, silent body was.
Cupping my hand over his as it moved along his length, I let a small moan slip out at the exact moment my two fingers slipped beyond my entrance. Sinking into my knees, I let my forehead rest against his shoulder while I tried to regain composure the way he was wrecked and yet still beautifully stoic.
Being brave, I let my lips press to his cheek when that’s all it took for Bowen to finally let himself go. Murmured groans and whimpers ba
rely made it past his clenched jaw when his body tensed against mine while he came right next to me.
It was intimate and dirty both rolled up into one.
All the leaps and bounds we were making came to a halt when his panting voice strummed through every chord I had while my clit sung me straight into the arms of a lullaby, “Hope you enjoyed the show, it’s the only one you’re getting until the point of no return.”
He sounded threatening, but I only heard a challenging tone to his voice that I was willing to take on. Our wedding day was going to be a point of no return and then he would be stuck with me and all my charms that drove him to touching himself.
We were meeting in the middle for now.
My hips swayed, riding my fingers buried knuckle deep inside me while my teeth bit down on his shoulder as the wave of pleasure wrapped itself around me. Bowen’s eyes didn’t drift from mine the entire time I came. His name pranced off my lips, “Bowey,” begging for more when the first orgasm wasn’t even diffused.
Standing up and leaving my body cold where we were pressed together, I grabbed the blanket folded at the end of the bed to cover my chest until I felt strong enough to move. Whenever my legs stopped shaking.
“Just go to sleep, okay? Do what you’re told for once, please.” The please was strained and sounded foreign like he never used the word in his vocabulary.
Bowen disappeared into the bathroom before I could even make puppy eyes for him to stay when I got under the blankets and cuddled up where the bed was broken in, his favorite spot. I was straddling the line of being asleep and awake when Bowen finally reappeared and sat down next to me with his ankles crossed. Sitting against the black leather headboard, I peered out of the slits in my eyes, trying to pretend I was asleep so he wouldn’t run off. His hand pushed my hair back lightly, almost scared to touch me even after what just happened.